Out of 200 entries, the GoodShipping Program was selected as the winner of the TEDx Amsterdam Awards 2017
Besides inspiring the audience with ideas worth spreading, TEDxAmsterdam is also about helping people to realise their ideas worth doing. An idea that could potentially change the world. From this year’s 200 entries, 15 award nominees were preselected by a jury. Out of these, 5 award finalists presented their ideas on stage during TEDx Amsterdam 2017. Next to the GoodShipping Program, the other nominees were: Goodhout, New Electric, Photanol: CO2 to chemicals and Wellsun.
Winning idea that could change the world
Friday 17th of November, 2017, Astrid Sonneveld pitched the Program in front of the audience at the Stadsschouwburg in Amsterdam. After the pitches, the finalists could mingle with the audience and answer all their questions during the break. Finally, the audience and the jury selected a winner, which was presented by Holley Murchison, host of 2017. We are very proud that the GoodShipping Program was once more recognised as a ‘winning idea that could change the world’ and is therefore worth sharing!